
The next municipal election for Apex is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Registered Voter

You must be registered to vote by Friday, October 11, 2024 in order to participate in the 11/5 election.

If you are the parent, guardian or caring adult of an AFHS student who has turned 18, we encourage you to have them register to vote!

How to register

There are certain requirements for you to be eligibility to register to vote. Read more about the requirements.

If you have an NC Drivers License or DMV-issued ID, you can register online.

Photo ID requirement

On Election Day, you will be asked to show a photo ID. You can use a Drivers License, or other acceptable photo IDs

If you don't have one, you can get one for free from the County Board of Elections. 

Don't have a photo ID?

You will still be allowed to vote without a Photo ID, but you will need to fill out an ID exception form.

Polling Place

Your polling place is based upon where you live. For this election, Sunday 10/8/23 is the date by which your current address determines where you are eligible to vote. See the overall timeline.

You can find your specific polling place, along with your sample ballot by clicking on the button below and completing the requested information.

Early Voting

Early voting will be available from 10/17 to 11/12

More information on early voting locations and times can be found HERE

Beat the crowds on Election Day, and go cast your vote early! Our closest early voting site will be the John M. Brown Community Center, starting on Saturday 10/28/23. Check out parking information or bus routes (on page 9) to the Center.


In the upcoming election, we will be voting for Apex Mayor and members of the Town Council. Learn more about the Apex Town Council.

The Wake County Board of Elections publishes a list of candidates for each election (Apex is on page 2). AFHS PTSA is a nonpartisan organization and does not and will not endorse specific candidates, but PTAs do advocate with elected officials to support policies and legislation that will support public education, in line with our mission.

Sample ballots will be available closer to Election Day; you may click on the "Find my Polling Place" button, find your voter record, and the scroll to the section "Your Sample Ballot" to locate the ballot you will be given when you go to vote.

Ready to Vote?

Learn more about how the vote counting process works in this short video from the Wake County Board of Elections.