
Volunteers Needed Mock Interviews for Juniors

Need Volunteers for Mock Interviews for All Juniors on Friday, January 10th in the AFHS Media Center.  Help is needed during 1st and 4th blocks...please volunteer on this Sign Up Genius LINK   

1st  Block is 7 to 8:50

4th Block - 12:50 to 2:10 -- if you are taking home your teen, you can wait in the parking lot for them.

Th. Jan. 9th at 12:00 - 12:30 pm: optional virtual meeting/training for anyone who has not done this before.  Please email Ms. Tanya Guinn if you want to attend and she will send a Google Meets invite.

Details: dress up, stand and shake student's hand, ask them to have a seat, look over their resume and hand it back to them after, then after you ask about 4 questions, you will stand, shake their hand and they will thank you for your time.  You will fill out a rating sheet briefly (barely any time between students) only put comments if they get a 3 or below, just a sentence on what they can work on to improve, if time allows, let them know at the end a few things they did right and something they can work on. 

We need your time and talents!  There are so many ways to support your students and teachers at AFHS.  

We are excited to get the new year started and have been working hard over the summer to get organized and ready to go. We are happy to share that we were able to fill all of our PTSA Board positions for this year and have a wonderful group of people involved. We do still have a few openings, and would LOVE to talk to you about how you could help.

High Priority Chair Positions: Fun Run, Hospitality, Fundraising, Audit

*General Volunteer Support interest can also be filled out when you pay your Membership fees. Membership needs to be done every school year and is currently OPEN! Join us!

Volunteers Needed

We routinely ask for volunteers for our events and committees.  Below are some open volunteer needs we have for our events in August. 

Freshman Orientation 8/6 and 10th - 12th Grade Orientation 8/15 - we will be selling Spirit Wear and Giving out information about the PTSA.  We also need volunteers for our start of school Senior Events. 

WCPSS Volunteer registration

All AFHS volunteers should register with WCPSS and comply with WCPSS Board Policy 5020: Visitors to the School. More information is available at the AFHS school website. There are opportunities to volunteer your time and talents from home/remotely as well!

2024-2025 School Year Openings

Thinking about 2025-2026?  

We would love for you to volunteer to help with PTSA and become familiar with the Officer/Board positions. 


Our next year's positions will be voted on during the April General Meeting - currently planned for Monday, April 14, 2025, 6:30 p.m. at the AFHS Media Center.  More information will be shared on our Meeting page.  In the meantime you are welcome to read the PTSA Roles and Descriptions to see if there is anything that interests you. If you have any questions or are very interested in a role and want to express that interest please reach out to our Nominations Chair, Sharon Putney.

I decided to volunteer for the AFHS PTSA because… 

Danielle, President & Fundraising

I enjoy volunteering and am a big advocate of supporting our youth's education, growth, and overall well-being.

Jennifer, Treasurer

There was a need and I wanted to be involved!

Cara Williams, Secretary

I joined the AFHS PTSA to stay well-informed about important issues affecting our school community, including administration, teachers, students, and parents. I am eager to volunteer my time to make a meaningful contribution and help strengthen our community.

Sharon, Nominations

I've been involved in my kids' schools since they were in preschool. PTSA is a wonderful way to learn about our school community, and we have a great team in place to do good things. Join us!

Stephanie, Advocacy

I have been part of PTA for many years through all levels of my children's schools. I volunteered for the position of advocacy chair because I believe all students should have a voice and access to what they need to be successful. As part of the PTA, families and caregivers can influence decisions that impact our students.

Michelle, Spirit Wear

I’m a chronic volunteer. I do it because I have the time and I know not all parents do. I want to make sure all kids have as many opportunities to have a successful, memorable and enjoyable school experience.

Julie , Communications

I have a Senior this year and I wanted a way to stay involved without getting the eye roll.  I enjoy being involved and love helping our teens have an amazing high school experience.  

Heather, Seniors

I wanted to be able to support the needs of the students and teachers at AFHS!

Cynthia McAuley, Student Reps

I wanted to give back to school and help make a difference.